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The #1 impact on our earthquake rebuild you need to know about

With over 30,000 tradesmen required for the Christchurch rebuild, what does this mean to you as an architect, engineer, drafty or builder? Budget blow outs and time delays?

Is the knowledge of a monumental labour shortage influencing how you specify products and systems for your projects in Christchurch?

Our guess is the imbalance of supply and demand will force tradesmen's hourly rates to increase and make it hard to get the skilled tradesmen you need to achieve a quality finish, without further delays in project timelines.So, how can you minimize the impact to you and your clients projects budget, timeframes?

Here's 3 questions to ask yourself:

When selecting products, brands or systems:

1) How much time is required for installation?

2) What products are going to be most time efficient on site?

3) Do the products have to be installed by specific contractors?

4) Can the products be installed by the average builder with a clear installation guide?

But more importantly:

5)- What products and systems can be pre-manufactured off site to a specific time frame, undercover, unaffected by weather delays, then transported to site and assembled very quickly by the average builder?

Let takes outdoor decking as an example, be it for over a waterproof membrane or on bearers and piles over soil. Typically deck construction takes many days and often weeks to complete. Outdure, an innovative New Zealand company has developed a complete decking system that can be pre-manufactured off site, is light enough to be man handled off a truck and assembled on site in a matter of hours/days by your typical builder.

To learn more about how you can avoid the impact of the labour shortage and benefit from cost effective, time saving innovation visit

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Laverty Constructions Outdoor Decking

Laverty Constructions Outdoor Decking

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Shelley Craft’s Latest Outdoor Decking Project

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