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The Burcham apartments

The Burcham was originally built in 1918 as the Wrigleys factory. Today the building is restored and refreshed as a high-end apartment complex. The multi-purpose rooftop space has been repurposed as a communal area, maximising the prime real estate. Project...

Barangaroo House

Decks on two levels of one of Sydney’s most sought after waterfront destinations. Project challenges: The project needed to accommodate large outdoor furniture that had been custom designed for the cocktail rooftop. It also had to ensure the waterproof membrane...

Killara Remedial

Remedial work for badly perished hardwood decking on individual balconies and surrounding boardwalks. Project challenges: Commissioned by the apartments’ strata – a low maintenance, durable solution was essential. Future-proofing the balconies was a priority for...

Smales Farm B:Hive

To construct a large public common area for a co-working office building, which incorporates a restaurant, cafe and bar, glasshouses and public seating areas. Project challenges: Izzard Design architects required a floating deck solution with low height capabilities...

Co Kids Childcare

This modern childcare centre includes a landscaped outdoor space built over ground level retail premises. Project challenges: Compliance requirements including a high slip-rated decking board. The solution: QwickBuild provides a stable structure to support Outdure’s...
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