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Slims Rooftop

$5million refit of the iconic Hotel William (now Hyde Park House) including the rooftop bar and dining space, Slims. Project challenges: QwickBuild was selected for its structural properties allowing for low...

Bronte Aged Care

The entrance courtyard and cafe area feature a curved deck made from QwickBuild and ResortDeck. Project challenges: The deck needed to be semi-circular to conserve an existing heritage tree. The solution: We prefabricated curved QwickBuild frames and designed footings...

Day residence balcony

The tile deck areas of this contemporary coastal home include around the plunge pool and adjacent large entertaining space. Project challenges: The retiree owners of this steep coastal property required low maintenance, future-proof construction products. Strict...

Coastal rooftop space

Exclusive Sydney property with expansive coastal views and large rooftop decks for entertaining. Project challenges: Durable construction products were critical for longevity in the coastal environment. A low finished height was required over the rooftop waterproof...

The Dacha retreat

A premium award-winning house available for holiday letting on the shores of Lake Wanaka. Project challenges: A steep site exposed to the elements. The solution EcoDecking was specified by the architects who have a strong focus on sustainability. The Almond colour...
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